Friday, January 23, 2009

XXX-Dance pics_Oregon and Washington

Tango, Milongas, Practicas, Festivals, Blues, Waltz, Contra

I love to dance, move to the music.  I'm challenged by partner dancing, asking another to move in a certain way to the music. And then there is tango which challenges me in new ways to a higher level of connection with the music and my partner.  I must be fully present in my lead and intention.  I must become one with the music and playfully, in an improvisational manner participate in the creation of each tango moment.  

With my photos, I try to capture the essence of dance, the people who love to dance, and the joy of their connection with the music and their partner. This includes the rituals and paraphernalia of dance, from gender roles to high heel shoes. 

I hope that you find my dance photos rich with sentiment and expressive of a passionate universality for connection with music and others through body movement. 

Each of the photos below is the cover to an album.  To access photos, please click on the name below each album. 

Toes of Tango


Milonga Berretin

Tango In San Francisco Union Square

La Milonga Euphoria-2005

Viscount Sunday Practica

Conrad's Moonlight Milongas

Peninsula Park Milonga
Portland Blues Festival

FolkLife Festival_ Seattle

Dance Mix

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